
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

Three years old. It's hard to believe our little baby is so big now and has started school. She still seems too small to me, but the fact is...Natalie's loving school. Today they were dancing in the classroom...and you know that's gotta be a big hit with Natalie. She gets on the bus at 8:35 and gets back home at 11:25. She seemed to enjoy being on the bus. I felt so lonely today, but I know it won't be that way for long! Natalie's going to LOVE having a little brother around.
As for me, I'm waddling around here at 38 weeks. We have everything ready and now it's just the waiting game. We have our last appointment with Dr. Bozeman tomorrow. We're scheduled for the C-section next Tuesday (November 3rd) at 8:00am, but if I start going into labor or my water breaks, I'll go in immediately for the C-section. Honestly, I don't see that happening. I haven't had any real contractions for a while now. I think he's prepared to stay in there until Dr. Bozeman takes him out. I can't tell if he's big or small, so I'm guessing he's around 7 pounds. Sorry for the short update...I need to get some sleep!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Homestretch

We're just 26 days away from meeting the newest Olson baby. The weeks are starting to fly by now! We're seeing the doctor every week now, so that's a sign that the end is near. Everything is going spectacularly well so far. The only thing I'm worried about is the baby making an early entrance, rather than going by our set schedule. At this point, they won't stop labor and will perform the C-section whenever labor starts. I haven't felt anything other than Braxton Hicks so far, so I'm not too concerned, but things can change quickly. The baby seems to be getting quite big. He's slowed down his movement throughout the day, but when he does move, it's really big movements. It's always fun to watch my stomach move from one side to the other. Natalie thinks it's funny, too. I'll put her hand on my stomach and she laughs when there's a big kick. The only problem I've had so far, other than some minor swelling, is carpal tunnel. I can no longer write or hold things with my right hand--but for some reason it doesn't bother me when I'm typing. That's good, since that's a source of income for us!

We have officially settled on a new name for the baby--so if you thought you knew what it was--you're wrong. You'll find out in 26 days. Chances are, Mom won't like it. :)