
Monday, January 30, 2012

When Did I Get Back Fat?

I think there's a statute of limitations on how long I can claim that Calvin caused all of the excess fat on my body.  And I think I've reached it.

In an effort to return to my former self...meaning the day of our wedding (that was the beginning of the end)...I have once again joined the YMCA.  I love the Y--I just don't love the 15 minute commute.  I really only have about 25 pounds to lose, but I've hit the age where I start to complain about how the weight just doesn't melt off like it used to.  Pretty soon I'll be complaining about my aching joints.  And my sleeping habits.

Meanwhile, Perry is also in weight loss mode.  Every woman out there knows that losing weight along with her husband is, ummmm....frustrating.  Perry has replaced one meal a day with a Lean Cuisine, and in three weeks has lost 13 pounds.  I work my tail off at the Y and practically starve myself, and the scale laughs at me.

I have a feeling things will change for me soon, but listening to his weight loss triumphs makes me want to grab a bag of chocolate chips.  And peanut butter.  Okay, so maybe it's 26 pounds.

1 comment:

Monica at Buttoncounter said...

I don't know when you got it...but all of the sudden, I feel so...normal.