
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Two Weeks to Go!

It's hard to believe that, two weeks from right now, we will have met our new baby boy.  I've been using the basketball season as my finish line.  Perry is now officially done with reffing for the year (he just got to work the State B Boys Championship game!), and now we are officially in the home stretch. I'm currently 37 weeks and two days, with the C-section set for March 26th.

I'm very thankful that I've reached full term, something that used to be unattainable for us, as you can read about in this previous post.  Today, we have one big, strapping three and a half year old, who is about to meet his little (BIG) brother!

Every day, Calvin asks me if the baby has come out.  One day, he ran into the living room to find me assembling the baby cradle...he got super excited and asked, "Mommy, did the baby come out?!"  I wish it were that easy!  He is going to be the most amazing big brother...he's already so kind and caring to Natalie, I can imagine he's going to absolutely LOVE having a baby to hold.  I'm so thankful that Natalie will have another brother who will be there for her no matter what.

It's been fairly smooth sailing for me during this pregnancy, except for some early (8 weeks) spotting that led to my doctor restricting my exercise to only walking.  That was fine for a while, until I started to experience some nasty tailbone pain as the result of each walk.  I've gotten some help from the chiropractor, but the unfortunate truth is that I've gained more weight this pregnancy than last because I haven't been allowed to exercise.  Oh, and I was pregnant over Thanksgiving and Christmas.  My mom is a good cook.
Here I am at 35 weeks
Although I'm hoping to make it to March 26th, I am definitely ready to meet this little guy.  The only problem is that my OB is on vacation this week, and I'm very attached to him...I really don't want anyone else to deliver our baby!  I've been retaining water like crazy the past few days, and carpal tunnel is taking over my right hand again, but apparently there's no worry of preeclampsia at this point. So...if I can make it through this week, the baby can arrive anytime after Sunday.  I'll keep my fingers crossed!